15 October 2009

So...today happened....

That's right...today happened and I was floored! First off I was watching the "House" episode from Monday and it was about this African president that was in the hospital for treatment and the doctors found out he was a tyrant, killing people in his country through genocide. Well the doctors didn't care if he died or lived and had a twinge of what's right or wrong. In the end one of the doctors does end up killing the president because he thought he was doing what's right. As I was contemplating morals and ethics and trying in my own mind to find the perfect answer, my thoughts just went to a question I saw on a shirt that said "Who would Jesus bomb?". Is that where I stand as a Christian? Do I follow Jesus' views on killing and death? I'm all Mennonite on this subject. I believe, in His commandment to us, that God gives us the direction/ability to love everyone and the freedom to not have to judge who deserves to die or live. We just have to love. But what does love look like? Does it look like killing one to save a million,that's what God did. Then I had to answer the question of who would Jesus bomb. I came up with a list! 1) Bad Guys - good guys always kill the bad guys...alas everyone is bad and no one is good... 2) Mosquitos - I thought about this one way too much and ended up wondering if God was ever testing us with Moquitos seeing if we respected His creation enough to not kill 'em.... 3) Satan - this seemed like the winner!!!! If Jesus bombed Satan then that would save a million hearts from brokenness, a world from dying, and His own sadness... Pondering the last thought I concluded that Jesus would bomb no one because he would have done it already....right??? Mind-boggling....I need someone to talk this out with!!! I'm no expert or even novice in ethics and morals. That then brought me to the realization that I'm "regreting" (I also don't believe in regrets because to me in means that I didn't learn anything and boy did I ever learn!!!) not living like Jesus this WHOLE summer. I feel like, just now in the last five days of my time here that I actually trying to live in a way to shine light. This whole summer I was apathetic to the thought of living like Jesus. Complacent and lazy...I even got that on my final evaluation at work....my boss used "headache", I like to think of myself as laid-back, in all reality it was pointing to the fact that I was a slow and lazy housekeeper!!! OK back on point. Tonight on my way to supper I was reinforced in the thought that I'm a Christian through three comments by people. All summer I was having problems with this just making it through a day. I did not think about who I was and where I belonged. Now that I'm reflecting on the summer, these comments helped to strengthen my belief. The comments were in passing and included "she wouldn't want to hear that she's apart of ACMNP", "I'm going to add some bash the Christians if you don't come", and "how could you say that you're a Christian" (in reference to phrase that I'm not a good person...hahahahahahahaha). Of course these comments were more making fun of me then encouraging but to hear those words coming from their mouths just reminded me that I believe God loves me....I needed to hear those words....well....I didn't actually hear those words....but from God I did....ummmm.... I was taken aback from these occurrences because they all happened within an hour of each other and it was after I was contemplating morals and ethics and struggling with the "regret" (I can't think of a better word to use at the moment) of not living a shining life pointing to Jesus this summer. I was reminded that God used me anyway and people saw/see what I stand for even when I fail to be a great example. SO I encourage you out there reading this long crazy random story to find the ways that God shows YOU how much He loves you. I discovered that today it was through a TV show and random comments from people!!!!

10 October 2009

Let me tell you...

about my winter plans - in about 11 days I will be done here at Signal Mountain Lodge (Oct. 22). After that if weather, health, and God permitting I will be road tripping to Devil's Tower, WY, Mount Rushmore and the badlands, over to Chicago to see my roommates and maybe do an adventurous hike, up to Wisconsin to see Lee (the crazy foo' who has my interest...is that a good way to say my bf???), over to Michigan to see Lee's stomping grounds, then south to Kansas to make a loop around seeing friends, family, and interesting points of the state. Then I will head home to chill until November 29th or so. Then I will head to Copper Mountain to start my winter job as ticket checker on the lifts. Lee will be doing the same and we'll be there until the mid of April. After that...back to the National Parks??? So I ask prayers for safe and wise travel, for preparation for the winter, for my relationship with God and Lee, and for rest. I thank you all for the prayers and thoughts!!! I love you ALLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!! Pictured: the Glacier trip participants at the World's Largest Purple Spoon (maybe) on the first morning of the trip.

Let me tell you...

about Sunday - I put no effort in going to church. I thought I would be fine without it. Well this summer I didn't realize just how low I've become. Sure my devotions weren't up to par and my prayer life has suffered but my praising and worshiping grew with each hike and look at the mountains and creation around me. Both my roommates have left and I have been, not totally lonely, a hermit to life around me. A shock came last weekend. The last two ACMNPers asked me if I would like to go to church with them. First thought was YES, I need it, and then I realized that we would have to drive all the way to town, I made plans for later that day what if time runs over, I don't want to put effort into looking presentable in public, etc. Finally I decided it would be good to go, so I went. I was overwhelmed. It had been so long since I've been to a corporate worship service. It had been so long since I didn't have to lead a service. I was low on my fellowship aspect of God. I had the ACMNP group but we were still pretty far away from regular fellowship, they had mostly left and we were away from Church in the sense of a building, a piano, and a pastor. We had community but towards the end of the summer it was drifting and I was empty. So going to church was a huge encouragement. Of course the atmosphere was not as awesome as being in the park and the group of people stayed in their cliques at church but the responsibility I had through out the summer was gone and I could just sit and worship without having to worry about filling others. There was also communion and a chance to connect with my Jesus and His love again. I didn't expect to be so dry when I went. I realized the true need for connection and I reflected on college and the dry spells I had there and saw a correlation between all the times in my life when church was big and I was happy to when church was a passing thought and I was struggling. Church, no matter how much I liked it or hated it, has always kept me encouraged and filled even when I went with shame, judgement, sin, or hatered within me God has used church to make me let go. Without church/community I've been distant, apathetic, and a wreck. This is another thing I've learned through this summer and have used it as a time for reflection. Thanks to all you who have dragged, invited, or drove me to church!!!! That's the first thing I thought Sunday afternoon was "Man do I miss church". Pictured: This is a sign from yellowstone telling us to be aware of where we step...

Let me tell you...

about my day yesterday - welp I wake up and think it's going to be adventurous today and awesome. So I go into work and it's snowing, icy, and cold but that's no biggie I'm excited for it to snow. Then I remembered that there are only 3 other housekeepers working today (4 in all) when there are usually 7 or so...that's nothing we got this. When the morning meeting starts I look at the lists (these are the notecards where the rooms we need to clean are written). For the past week each list has had about 7 checkouts (the rooms we have to super clean for the next visitor) and 5 stayovers (the rooms where people are staying another day). Not now...each list had 15 checkouts and 7 stayovers. That's not too bad when it was peak season we had about 10 checkouts and 7 stayovers on our lists to clean each day. Alas it was snowing and icy and cold. So all day I stayed pretty silent knowing that if I would've said anything it would've been negative because my partner, who had a really great way of just complaining with a smile and a "it's alright" after each time, wasn't into adventures for that day. So we finished what needed to be done and because I really have nothing else to do each day I like to stay at work as long as possible, also because I don't like to walk up to my room then two hours later I have to walk down to eat supper. Anyway we decided it was going to be a five o'clock day, in the snow, ice, and cold. We cleaned more rooms and around 4:30 Todd (the boss man) came to the cabins and told us to stop and head back to the laundry room. The day was over. It was quite the day and it was also a day to just stop and reflect on attitude. In reality attitude is everything - Philippians 2:5. ATTITUDE CHECK. pictured: Prim, Joe, and I at the Gros Venture RED HILLS

23 September 2009

Mouse Stories - read at your own risk

So I have had a great chance to practice cruelty to animals this summer by catching some mice! The first time I had to deal with this was when I was called to go check on a fire alarm going off in a room. I get there and the people inside (who didn’t even care about the alarm now) just went off on how there was a mice in their room and how I need to get rid of them and that they aren’t going to pay so much money (these people also had a discount) to have mice in their room. I looked around the room for a live, scurrying around mouse…instead I found this critter with the plastic cheese in his mouth looking lifeless and curious (I think that in his last moments he thought to himself “man, this cheese is hard and tasteless”). So I tried to hurry out of the room because after that incident I just needed to go laugh it all off a while before taking the body to the dumpster. But the old lady just kept telling me how she doesn’t want mice and then I couldn’t hold it anymore…I started laughing. Appalled she looks at me and with a serious tone told me that it’s not a laughing matter. I politely told her that I know it’s not a matter to be laughing at and that I would go get some things and be back later to catch their mouse. I ran out of the room laughing thinking “WHY WAS A MOUSE IN THAT TRAP!!!! AAAAAAAA”. Incident number two happens just the next day. I’m doing regular housekeeping and I’m getting ready to dump the trash. It’s dark in the corner where the cans were and so I just pick up the cans not thinking twice…all of a sudden there was movement in the can so I look down and see it. I FREAK OUT yelling for Heather to come and see this. I sit on the bed because that just startled me and Heather takes the trashcan outside to let the thing go (she’s against killing things) and then she comes back. She goes on telling me that there was not only a live mouse but a half decomposed/eaten mouse and poop everywhere. She told me to wear gloves to clean the trashcan out. I told her I’m calling for a new trashcan. So we give the poopcan to Henry and he asks what’s inside of it and I tell him mouse poop and he was sad that we didn’t give the mice to him. Numero thres happened in the VIP room a couple weeks later. I’m helping a group clean up there because that day I was a couple minutes late and Todd just told me to do odd jobs so I got to help them. I look over, under the wood burning, because I saw a trap and now my mind is totally expecting to see a micey in them. So I see this creature bloated to about double the size. Again I start freaking out saying “REALLY…who lets the mice stay there that long???” So I tell everyone we have to pop the body before we throw it away…no one believing me they throw it in a bag and take it out. And, as I’m sitting here writing this in the housekeeping office I see a mouse scurry around the floor under my feet…


So I’m night portering tonight and two of my biggest fears happened. First the golf cart dies on me as I’m driving it around to turn on porch lights. I’m driving using one foot to push and the other to punch the gas hoping it would work again. People see me doing this and helped push me to the front desk. I felt so embarrassed…but realized people are nice to people who look pathetic and helpless! Then after I grabbed another golf cart I had to throw away some garbage in the dumpster. Well as I was tossing in the bag the wooden fence (each dumpster has one to make garbage more esthetically pleasing) door closes behind me. I bang on the door, push on the door, feel around for a latch, and can’t find anything. I call on my radio for help, everyone laughing; I finally find a wire and push it open…stupid dumpster door. Ok so it was dark and I couldn’t see the wire latch. Now that my fears have happened I need to come up with different ones!

22 September 2009

Thoughts on the Summer

It’s been four months…I have one month. People have left. The leaves are changing and it’s felt like autumn for a month now even though today is the first official day. I really lacked in my blog writing. I wonder if people really read this…I know at least 3 do…not counting my dad because the print is too small. You can’t be a Jr. Ranger at any age, only from like 5 -12, I missed that boat. If you smell poop then you are probably close to it somewhere. I have taken a total of five pictures this summer but I made friends with people who are better at taking pictures and have more expensive cameras. Learn people’s names and use them, you will make friends with people that way kind of unsuspectingly. I really like Signal Mountain, the people, the company, and the food. I have learned to plunge toilets with courage, take care of mice problems with strength, and how to take each incident with humor. I have realized urinals are stupid because guys will just pee on the floor anyway. Some companies send their laundry out to another company for them to do, we are more hard-core then that. Golf carts are super awesome to drive. Sunsets and sunrises are to amazing to pass up most of my life. Smores are SOOOO good with peanut butter or nutella. I love hiking. Climbing mountains is over rated. I think I might take a brown comforter from one of the guest rooms, they are so cool. It’s ok to spend extra money on food, especially on food you can’t pronounce. I miss Kansas sunsets. I can’t wait to ski. I can’t wait to see all my friends from home and to also visit friends I have made this summer. The real world is overrated. I’m getting dreadlocks sometime in my life. If you smell pee then you are probably close to it somewhere. I’m going to Iceland sometime in my life. Mold is over-rated. Bears like people…especially people covered in honey. Music is amazing. Hiking in the dark is exhilarating. Life’s better when you dress-up occasionally, in fine attire and in a costume. It’s amazing to know what it feels like to not be judged and just loved. It’s amazing to figure out a way to not judge and just love. Job uniforms are stupid and it’s ridiculous that I can’t wear my belts, headband, or tie-dye shirt visibly. Alone time is needed - hiking, running, driving, eating, etc. can be great experiences. Make the most of everything, especially when your boss says he’ll provide the food as long as you write down what you want!

Last Sermon

Overall the ministry I was involved with was a good experience. It started out rough but I learned tons and really realized just how big OUR God is!!! The last service happened on August 30th. After that all the ministry people were leaving to go back to school. So that morning Katelyn, Lee, and I got to stay at Signal and we did a special service where each of us talked about what we learned this summer. Below is my sermon, give or take, but it keeps hitting me that this is really the big thing God has enlightened me and shown me what I lack…………………… TITLE: Shortcutting Causes Soul Erosion - On a hike my friends and I read a sign that said “Horses must stay on the trail”. Well of course we wondered why and jokingly came up with the idea that horses knew that taking short cuts on a trail will start to cause soil erosion and lead to deaths of flowers, grasses, and scenery. As we kept hiking a thought came to me and took my attention back to the phrase “Shortcutting leads to soil erosion”. I realized that it can apply to more of life then just soil; it applies also to the soul. So I sat down and decided what things I shortcut from my life; such as waking up and running in the morning and getting exercise, eating healthy meals and not just junk, and getting good amounts of sleep there are also spiritual shortcuts like skipping on reading the Bible daily, not praying, and not fellowshipping with others or encouraging others or being encouraged. The big shortcut that I discovered from the summer is endurance and giving up and not persevering on tasks before me. As a housekeeper I have days where we clean five rooms and all of them have dishes in the sink, tons of hair in the bathtub, sheets on the floor, and rocks in the carpet. I want to just sit down and call my boss and tell him that I can’t take it anymore and that I’m done for the day. I knew if I did that my boss would think I’m not a very good worker and my co-workers would be angry about me not pulling my load. This also happens on hikes. Some hikes here in the Tetons go straight up with very few spots of even ground. By the time you get anywhere your legs are tired and your lungs hurt from the strain. While I was hiking Hanging Canyon I felt this way and I wanted to stop and turn around so bad. As we kept pushing on the view became magnificent looking at Jenny and Jackson Lake below us and gorgeous Goat’s Head and Lake of the Crags ahead of us. If I would have stopped hiking then I would not have had these amazing views and I would’ve missed the snow/ice tunnel! I realize that perseverance needs to happen in all aspects of life like the spiritual or physical ones. I don’t read the Bible or pray everyday. I don’t run or do crunches everyday. I loose sight of the ending and ongoing benefits and only see instant gratification. I loose sight of the awesome, life after death and think that right now is it. I don’t build up very much before sleeping or computer time take over what little things I did. In Romans 5:3-5 it talks about perseverance: Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. Perseverance is the first things mentioned because without it the other things won’t come. If you don’t push through then your character would be wimpy and easily give up on things. You can’t be that way to follow Jesus. Some days are prime days of thinking Jesus doesn’t care; it’s easy to just give up with that thought. God makes us strong so that we can truly believe and hope that what He says is true. I’ve learned to persevere through hard days at work and on long hikes because in the end I know there’s going to be an amazing view. I learn to do things without complaining and my boss looks at me as a hard worker and I can look into a canyon and see God’s majestic beauty created for me to enjoy. So I encourage you to persevere and don’t give up. Sometimes it’s ok to be hard-headed!

03 August 2009

Happy August!!! WOW...I can't believe those words are able to be said right now...where has the summer gone? I hear that anytime now the snow will start, September is when it starts getting cold and coats are coming out. I don't know how I feel about that yet! So this week was Halloween on the seasonal job calendar. I helped with the carnival so I got to dress up like a gypsy carnie and help with the games and set up/clean up. It was pretty fun and I'm so blessed that the Human Resources team here at Signal are so involved with entertaining the employees. We had turkey legs, corn on the cob, frozen chocolate covered bananas, funnel cakes, and SWEET TEA!!! (Kourtney we need a road trip filled with tea) Then on Friday we headed to the middle school in Jackson and played some soccer and ate some amazing Asian food. I thank God every time I eat those delicious foods from Asia! That's my favorite way to worship my Lord, by eating food! So Saturday was another day of work and also the first day all summer that I put in 8 hours...a very exciting achievement! Then Sunday I drove up to Flagg Ranch (almost to Yellowstone) and did services there with Kylee an ACMNP member from New York. When we first arrived we had no idea where to go or where to get the stuff (worship books, cross, Bibles, etc.) for worship, and we were running late. Well Kylee and I laughed all morning to try and not become bitter from the lack of information about this place. Kylee and I finally got our act together and arrived at the place right at 8. We sat and talked for about 10 minutes and then a family arrived. At first I was shocked that anyone showed but then became intrigued! This family was from Taiwan traveling from Philedelphia to San Fransico on a three month family trip. That morning when Kylee and I planned the service we decided that the songs would all start with S (Shine Jesus Shine, Sanctuary, and Shout to the Lord) not thinking anything of it. When the family arrived I was feeling a little nervous about our song selection not knowing if these Taiwanese would know them. In the back of my mind I wanted to ask them what songs they knew or which they would like to sing but I stopped myself since that looked really unprofessional making us look unprepared so I went with it and Kylee and I started the service. I soon realized my lack of faith in the body of Christ. We started Shine Jesus Shine thinking that Kylee and I would be the only ones singing but six voices started the song. We had no tempo or pitch but it was beautiful. The language barrier caused the song to go slow so through the whole thing I felt like I was taking each word and really savoring it thinking through what God is saying through the song. I was so used to the fast tempo that I usually sing that I was stopped from the ordinary and it changed my whole worship time and focus. I felt like I was actually worshiping! Kylee and I also had the same thought that American culture is so into speed and getting things done that the slow tempo for the song really made us slow down our thoughts and our hearts to really be aware of our surroundings, the meanings of the songs, and the beautiful people there also worshiping. After that song we sang Sanctuary and it was awesome to see them translating the Taiwanese version they were used to into the American words. It was awesome to see Jesus break cultural barriers through worship songs. Then I gave the message on good works using Ephesians 2:10 for the main verse. My beginning story was about when I first met my new Taiwanese friend Abby and how my good works on that day grew our friendship and how she felt comfortable around me. It was crazy to think that the only people at worship that morning were from Taiwan and my story was about Abby, making the world seem so much smaller. Then Kylee and I wrapped up the service feeling so blessed from this amazing, Godly family's presence. The four of them and the two of us worshiped that morning like there was no difference, we all love our Jesus and that was all that was needed for the best worship service I have ever attended. After that we discovered that the family is having car troubles and so I ask for prayers on their behalf for safety, provision, and a great trip experiencing another part of God's creation. I feel amazingly blessed just writing that story down, Jesus was there in so many ways yesterday! Also on Sunday Lee (another ACMNPer and close friend) went White Water Rafting down the Snake River. Which was another blessing because the Munoz's (an amazing family of friends!) came through the Tetons checking out the mountains and checking in on me for my mom...hahaha...also were in Jackson White Water Rafting. I couldn't have asked God for such great timing that he showed. After the trip down the river (with a family from St. Louis/Kansas City who had never gone before and kept me laughing the whole time) we ate some BBQ (appetizers, main meal, and Chocolate Buttermilk pie...yeah we ate everything on our plates...) and then met up with the Munozs for an amazing conversation. Then this morning my roomies and I were awoken with "Hey let's go horseback riding". We put on our jeans and headed out to ride some horses. We also discovered that the second time is not free like the first time but the second time was so much better. It's just awesome to sit back on your horse and surround yourself with nature and beauty. Better then on a hike because you can't just gaze everywhere or you might trip over a rock! After that I slept all day recuperating for another week of keeping house. That's where I'm at now, Monday evening, awake from a nap, typing my life to you, getting ready to go back to sleep!!!! :) So I ask you all now for prayers for my body. It's starting to get run down and weird things are happening (like last night I got super sick after drinking some Powerade), I ask for prayers for better health! I ask for prayer for the people getting ready to head back home after their contracts are up. That the summer will bring back amazing memories, guidance for the new season of life, and safe travels. Lots of ACMNPers are leaving this month and it's going to start getting lonely here at Signal towards the end of the month. Prayers that these relationships that were made weren't in vain and that we can continue to encourage each other as we part! Lastly prayers for the roomies that God will continue to work in our relationships and continue to draw us closer to his heart and to each other! Love to you all from Wyoming and the bears all say hi and to come bring them a picnic basket! Pictured: the carnies at the carnival! :)

27 July 2009


It's been so long!!! This month has gone by so fast, I can't believe it!!! Well an over view of what's going on is that we started some clubs at Signal Mountain. One's an arts and crafts club that's goal by the end of the summer is to have a 25th anniversary quilt made for SML. Another is the Howling Polar Bears. We jump into the (really cold at night) lake on the nights of the full moon. We've met once so far but are getting ready for our next meeting very soon. I've done some camping and I went on a sweet hike in Cascade Canyon to the still frozen Lake Solitude. I saw a male, female, and baby moose on the way. It was awesome waking up early getting a great start and then coming back down when the tourists are starting the trek up. I've also done another sunrise hike up Signal Mountain (it starts around 4:15 and we made it up around 6:11 to see the mountains change color and to feel the warmth of the sun for the first time that day). To see a sunrise is to be filled with the hope that God does exist. Last Sunday I got to "preach" at Colter Bay. I'm used to about 5-15 people showing up at the services but on that Sunday our 10 o'clock service had 70 people there!!! It's so awesome to gather with strangers and then finish worship with newly met brothers and sisters! I talked about Romans 12:1 and how I've been struggling with practicing the presence of God and really being conscience about my actions. I realized that even my attitudes toward housekeeping are that it's a thankless job, gets old after doing it day after day, and isn't really a traditional form of worship my motivations and reasons to get up each morning and do this job are what God is glorified through. If I'm serving the people around me and knowing that God is in everything I do my job will glorify Him. It really solidified my faith to pound out that sermon. I have made friends with the two Taiwanese girls here and this week was ones birthday so I helped plan and put together a party for her. The night before I drove with her to a softball game and we talked and she really opened up and I could tell she just needed comfort and a friend and after the party she was so thankful and really realized how loved she was by people who have known her for a couple weeks. I really didn't think the party was that big of a deal but it meant a lot to her and I'm glad God prodded me to do that even though it took more energy and time from my own desires. It's been tough deciding what things I should spend more time on and what things I should probably step away from. I know God is working and that He has it all under control but I still feel like I'm letting Him down in every aspect of my summer. I haven't converted anyone to Jesus and I haven't really been as focused in the ministry like I should so it's hard to think I'm useful here. My faith hangs there and that's it...I haven't taken it for a walk yet. I've been practicing comfortability very well this summer. This Sunday my partner gave a sermon on how Jesus is our rock. He's not our bean bag, stuffed teddy, or blanket but our rock!!! He makes us uncomfortable but he also supports us when the rains and trials come. My partner had an amazing quote "Just like a rock is uncomfortable to our flesh when we sit on it for long periods of time Jesus is uncomfortable to our 'flesh' as well!" It really made me think that I haven't been sitting on Jesus very much lately and that I need to start. He also had a point that we might have our foundation on Jesus but we still fill our lives with the sand and comforts and that pushes Jesus out. So this week I'm looking forward to a Halloween carnival, some softball, and soccer and hopefully sitting on Jesus a little more and not on my bean bag of selfish desires! Prayer requests would be wisdom in the planning aspect of my life. We're planning a trip to Glacier National Park in a couple weeks and also the up coming fall. I have ideas for October but it's always nice to know where God would like me to be. Also prayers for my relationships here. I LOVE everyone here but I would like them to see more Jesus and less me. And prayers for the week in housekeeping. My co workers are so great and we've become a small family. May we all be encouraged to keep doing awesome things and have the energy to do them. Thanks for the prayers and thoughts through out this summer! Pictured: The group at Lake Solitude...snow in the middle of July...awesome!!!

06 July 2009

So this past week I've had awesome opportunities to hang out with different groups of people and it made me realize two awesome truths... 1- the question why Jesus? popped into my head and so I went back to the basics this week and renewed the reason why I pick Jesus daily to be my savior. John 10:10 is my basis because I want to live life to the fullest and through Jesus I have the freedom. 2- I'm not the only Christian at Signal Mountain Lodge. I was talking with a girl about our tattoos and after reading the chapters she had on her body (Psalms 55-57) I realized that I have been selfish in my view of the people here and in my prayers. I need to be more encouraging in my prayers and everyday life. It's been a great week. Katelyn (my roommate) and I planned a fourth of July shin-dig and 13 people from Signal came and hung out with us!!! It was awesome to see the plans come together so smoothly. I knew God was in it all and that gave me peace. I stress out a lot when I'm in charge of things and so to have such an awesome evening of fondue, fireworks, friends, and a bluegrass concert at the Teton Village made my ridiculous stressing out meaningless because God was in it all. Sunday came another amazing day of services and this week the people that came were so grateful for our being there. A lot of them said that they didn't want to be inside and still wanted to worship and that they enjoyed the opportunity to be with us. The gratefulness really made this ministry worth it. I'm still not giving all that I can to ACMNP and I struggle with it because it's such a tough commitment to keep when there are so many other things to do as well. Pray that I will be able to sort out my priorities so that they glorify God more than they gratify my selfishness. This week the owner of Signal Mountain is here visiting, this should be interesting!!! Katelyn and I got to clean the VIP for him...well the stove top burners anyway... :) here's to another amazing week...no matter where we're at!!! PICTURED: fireworks at the Teton Village outside of the Alpenhof. This place had Christmas lights everywhere as well...it kinda reminded me of Santa's Village!!!

27 June 2009

the weather is here, I wish you were beautiful...

...I read that on a sign once and loved it so I use that phrase as much as possible. welp I have been having a fabulous time enjoying SUN!!! I've been running in the mornings, kayaking after supper, playing volleyball before bed, and eating candy because I'm in constant hunger!!! It's been beautiful this past week with sun and warmth and the snow is leaving and it's great. This week has been staff Olympics and I ran and played volleyball, even with the awesome skills we are only in second...to last!!! But it's been fun! This past weekend it was my turn to speak at the worship services. I spoke over Song of Solomon 2:10-11 and Hebrews 12:1-3 talking about getting over that winter slump and start getting in shape for the summer spiritually. It was a fun one to put together AND my fabulous, gorgeous gals came to visit (Krista, Tina, Emily, and Jessica). It was so great to see their faces and to kinda show them around this beautiful awesomeness. I couldn't really hang out with them but I did eat SMORES and go on the sunrise morning hike to the Signal Mountain Summit with them and that was awesome to share. I'm starting to miss those Kansas faces. Mostly this week I have been really dwelling on the "walk a mile in my shoes" statement. I know to really know someone, you can't. Differences of personalities, life experiences, education, interests, etc will always leave us biased to others but the walking in someone's shoes has now become more of a generalization to me. Such as a group of women have those inside jokes about our bodies, emotions, and such and I'm apart of that group and understand those jokes. Runners have those commonalities that only they share such as running is a natural laxative, I didn't truly grasp that until I started running more. Now I have the similar understandings of teachers and standards and lesson planning under my belt. Right now I'm learning the groove of the housekeeper and really bonding with my group. We have an understanding of each other even though we come from different places and have different interests we have a bond that not many can comprehend. When we talk about rooms we clean with others they just say "ooo...that's gross how can you do that?" but another housekeeper can come back with another story and make you feel better because they have the same mess to go through. This past week I've cleaned up so many gross things from hairy rooms to dirty dishes to flem in the showers (and when you wipe it up it just spreads!!!!) to puke on the outside of a flemy tub. I thought for sure without my HIV spray I would've gotten a disease! With experiences like those and the ones like walking into a nice and tidy room that leaves a $2 tip for each of us I have become more sympathetic towards housekeepers in motels, lodges, and college maintenance men that second as housekeepers. That understanding leaves me guilty when I dirty a mirror, throw my sheets and blankets on the floor, or leave my things in the middle of the floor those make their jobs a little more difficult and I know they appreciate a kind word and a clean sink more then the "oh the housekeeper can do it" thought. I love the fact that I have the opportunity to become insightful to another group of people, the cleaner upers!!!! It's like after waitressing you know how hard it is so you like to tip a little extra and leave an encouraging comment! Like the body of Christ we have the understanding of the love, peace, joy, hope etc we have through Jesus. Let us not forget the days before the understanding so that we will not take it all for granted and let us try a little harder to share it with others so that they can empathize/understand/and share in the inside jokes we all have. Christ's love and be encouraged because you're all really pretty...HUGS!!!! :) PICTURED-We went horseback riding on our days off (the roomies and I). It was super fun...we even crossed a creek...

05 June 2009

So another week has gone by and more wisdom has been added to the vault (or bouncy house sometimes I don't know...) . A lot has been brought to my attention. First off I was inspired to memorize verses with one of my roomie because when you’re cleaning rooms all day there is a lot of stop and think time, I needed some focus. I brought that idea up to her and she told me to just open the Bible and find a verse. I told her to say stop and I landed in Jeremiah as I was searching the two pages in front of me I came across the heading "Jeremiah Weeps for Sinful Judah" chapter 8 verses 18-22. Katelyn and I automatically made that our prayer for this summer, to gain the ability to empathize and meet the needs of the people here. The huge hitter was verse 20, since this is a summer job it just made the need for Jesus more imperative. Psalm 14:3 is also banging me over the head. The main thought that I have grasped from my surroundings is that you have to be a good person and do good things and that’s what life is. Alas it’s so much more than being good…we can’t be good…God is good…we are sinful…another prayer for the people here that God will use me to bring some truth. Actually I have been questioning my whole purpose for being here this summer (in fact I really didn’t start with a purpose, just to fulfill responsibilities). Am I here for fun, to meet people, to be a hardcore missionary, to find true love (hahaha). I’m praying for guidance so that I can make full the time I have here doing what God has brought me to do. Now on to awesome things. Katelyn and I did our first Signal Mountain Lodge service on Sunday and it went well we thought. 12 people came to the three services so it was nice to have that. Katelyn talked about how a pebble on the beach was made of the same stuff a mountain is made of and that we are loved, given grace, and made of the same stuff Mother Teresa and Ghandi were made of, using 1 Corinthians 1:27, to show how God uses everything. It was a pretty great time. The roomies and I have gone on a scenic float trip down the Snake River and saw beavers that was pretty cool. Lately the mountains have been covered by clouds to where you can’t even see them and it’s been super rainy, it’s hard to be an outdoors housekeeper with rain so we improvise and use tarps to cover our carts. Also my car window is broken and won’t roll up so the rain is making it hard on my beach towel. On my next day off I’m hoping to head into Jackson to get it fixed. Welp that’s a quick update. Each day I’m more thankful for the great roomies I have and for being in such an amazing, adventurous place. Prayers for the roomies that we can stay solid with each other physically, mentally, and spiritually and prayers for what God is doing at Signal and with me.

25 May 2009

Hello All!!! So it is pretty late (around 10:20) and I thought I would give you a quick update on things... I made it to the park amazingly, I have the best roommates (God has blessed me through Eileene and Katelyn), work is going so well, and it's SO GORGEOUS HERE!!! My first day of work it took my trainer and I an hour and a half to finish our first room, she said a good time is 45 minutes!!! So I'm catching on! Our first ACMNP service was Sunday and after the first three our fourth service seemed to run smooth and together. We only did services at Jackson Lake Lodge (which is the ritzy place in the Tetons) and we'll do our first Signal service on Sunday. I feel like it's been go, go, go and I haven't really sat down and rested or collected my thoughts yet so my body and brain are just racing. It hasn't set in what I am doing yet, which is working out well because it feels like just another extension of home but I keep worrying about the middle of the summer when things start hitting the fan, so prayers that my time spent here will stay smooth. Also prays that Katelyn and I's relationship will grow and not crumble since we sleep, work, worship (she's in ACMNP as well), have days off, and pretty much seem married because we're around each other so much. Also pray that I can draw closer to God this summer and not fall into the secular mind-frame, it's been easy to just throw that relationship away but I've met more ACMNP people and they have encouraged me. Last but not least the roomies and I went on our first hike (after we saw our first moose and went to our first rodeo) up to Inspiration Point/Hidden Falls on Jenny Lake. It was awesome (snowy, rainy, rocky, full of fallen trees) alas I fell (twice) twisting my left ankle (twice) and banging my right knee on rocks (twice). So I'm a little sore and bruised and housekeeping is very strenuous work so prayers that my body will be strengthened, healed, and able to endure with a Christ-like attitude!!! Thanks for the prayers and keep checking for another update!

21 May 2009

The first sprint of the journey is over...I'M IN WYOMING!!! Right now I am sitting in my Days Inn room recuperating from a 10 hour journey (exactly 10 with gas, food, and toilet stops) to Rock Springs. Tomorrow I will head straight to Signal Mountain Lodge to get settled in, orientated, and start adventuring!!! Right now God has given me an insurmountable amount of peace. It has been a pretty great drive so far. I saw my first Wyoming sunset...doesn't compare to Kansas...of course I haven't seen any mountains yet!!! Right now I ask for prayers about relationship building and that I will be able to connect and not be afraid to go out and make friends tomorrow...and the rest of the summer. So now it's time to see just how welcoming Wyoming really is...

04 May 2009

The background...

Last year (07-08) Molly, one of my roommates, and I were sitting around brainstorming on things that could be done as a summer job. The idea of working at a National Park came up. Through my many adventures I've heard that the best rafting is in the Grand Canyon so I thought that if I worked there I would get great rafting for FREE! Well I looked into it and did some investigating for a couple of days on this idea. Then in the JinxTale (the school's electronic newsletter) was a message about this guy whose coming to Southwestern to recruit for ACMNP, A Christian Ministry in the National Parks. I was floored! I wanted to work in a National Park for the summer and now here's an opportunity to talk to a guy about also doing ministry and having a support group while working, I knew the desire must have been from God! I went up to the Jinx and talked to this guy, collecting all the information I could get, and getting more excited about a summer job. I applied on-line at the acmnp webpage and picked The Grand Canyon, Crater Lake, and Acadia (in Maine) as my choices. I got my location back, THE GRAND CANYON! I was so excited. Living in the canyon, rafting in the canyon, riding donkeys in the canyon, I knew for sure this summer would be a blast! As the semester progressed and things started happening I decided to decline my offer because of student teaching and school starting so early. I thought for sure I needed to be there the first day of school (now I look back and I kinda wished I would have waited). But through those experiences building up the possibility for working at a National Park and another summer at the Big Pool building up the possibility that I would never work there again (alas never say never), I have decided to apply at ACMNP again. When I applied this year for one of my choices I clicked the "place where needed" button to see where God would put me hoping I would get my other choices but I thought this would be a step of trust knowing that God would know where I am needed (Esther 4:14). That's just what happened. I am now preparing to work in the Grand Tetons National Park in Wyoming (just 30 minutes from Yellowstone). I have gone through training for ACMNP (in Castle Rock, CO) and realized that this whole "being in charge of worship thing" is going to be quite tougher then first expected. But I have trust that God will support me, encourage me, and fill me this summer using the people and creation in my life. That's why I am thankful for all of you in my life, God-sent! So you may be asking yourself "what is she even doing and what is AChristianMinistryintheNationalParks?" Well I am hired by Signal Mountain Lodge as housekeeping staff through the National Park Service. That's one responsibility. My second responsibility (as a missionary through ACMNP) is to be in charge of worship services Sunday mornings and evenings for the people who are in the park. I will be a part of a group of people through ACMNP that will work together and give the people in the park a chance for corporate worship on their vacation within the Tetons. So the ACMNP part is just a form of missions but the Signal Mountain Housekeeping part is where I get paid to make it through the summer having to pay for student loans, gas, and other responsibilities. I do not have to raise support for this "mission-trip" and I don't have to pay to be apart of it. I am just volunteering my time and efforts when I am not making beds! I will be doing my ACMNP responsibilities from Memorial Day to Labor Day and my SML responsibilities from May 22nd til October 22nd. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please let me know! Keep me in your prayers as I begin my physical journey May 21st and as I keep trunking along on my spiritual/emotional journeys! Websites for A Christian Ministry in the National Parks and Signal Mountain Lodge http://acmnp.com/ http://www.signalmountainlodge.com/