27 July 2009


It's been so long!!! This month has gone by so fast, I can't believe it!!! Well an over view of what's going on is that we started some clubs at Signal Mountain. One's an arts and crafts club that's goal by the end of the summer is to have a 25th anniversary quilt made for SML. Another is the Howling Polar Bears. We jump into the (really cold at night) lake on the nights of the full moon. We've met once so far but are getting ready for our next meeting very soon. I've done some camping and I went on a sweet hike in Cascade Canyon to the still frozen Lake Solitude. I saw a male, female, and baby moose on the way. It was awesome waking up early getting a great start and then coming back down when the tourists are starting the trek up. I've also done another sunrise hike up Signal Mountain (it starts around 4:15 and we made it up around 6:11 to see the mountains change color and to feel the warmth of the sun for the first time that day). To see a sunrise is to be filled with the hope that God does exist. Last Sunday I got to "preach" at Colter Bay. I'm used to about 5-15 people showing up at the services but on that Sunday our 10 o'clock service had 70 people there!!! It's so awesome to gather with strangers and then finish worship with newly met brothers and sisters! I talked about Romans 12:1 and how I've been struggling with practicing the presence of God and really being conscience about my actions. I realized that even my attitudes toward housekeeping are that it's a thankless job, gets old after doing it day after day, and isn't really a traditional form of worship my motivations and reasons to get up each morning and do this job are what God is glorified through. If I'm serving the people around me and knowing that God is in everything I do my job will glorify Him. It really solidified my faith to pound out that sermon. I have made friends with the two Taiwanese girls here and this week was ones birthday so I helped plan and put together a party for her. The night before I drove with her to a softball game and we talked and she really opened up and I could tell she just needed comfort and a friend and after the party she was so thankful and really realized how loved she was by people who have known her for a couple weeks. I really didn't think the party was that big of a deal but it meant a lot to her and I'm glad God prodded me to do that even though it took more energy and time from my own desires. It's been tough deciding what things I should spend more time on and what things I should probably step away from. I know God is working and that He has it all under control but I still feel like I'm letting Him down in every aspect of my summer. I haven't converted anyone to Jesus and I haven't really been as focused in the ministry like I should so it's hard to think I'm useful here. My faith hangs there and that's it...I haven't taken it for a walk yet. I've been practicing comfortability very well this summer. This Sunday my partner gave a sermon on how Jesus is our rock. He's not our bean bag, stuffed teddy, or blanket but our rock!!! He makes us uncomfortable but he also supports us when the rains and trials come. My partner had an amazing quote "Just like a rock is uncomfortable to our flesh when we sit on it for long periods of time Jesus is uncomfortable to our 'flesh' as well!" It really made me think that I haven't been sitting on Jesus very much lately and that I need to start. He also had a point that we might have our foundation on Jesus but we still fill our lives with the sand and comforts and that pushes Jesus out. So this week I'm looking forward to a Halloween carnival, some softball, and soccer and hopefully sitting on Jesus a little more and not on my bean bag of selfish desires! Prayer requests would be wisdom in the planning aspect of my life. We're planning a trip to Glacier National Park in a couple weeks and also the up coming fall. I have ideas for October but it's always nice to know where God would like me to be. Also prayers for my relationships here. I LOVE everyone here but I would like them to see more Jesus and less me. And prayers for the week in housekeeping. My co workers are so great and we've become a small family. May we all be encouraged to keep doing awesome things and have the energy to do them. Thanks for the prayers and thoughts through out this summer! Pictured: The group at Lake Solitude...snow in the middle of July...awesome!!!

06 July 2009

So this past week I've had awesome opportunities to hang out with different groups of people and it made me realize two awesome truths... 1- the question why Jesus? popped into my head and so I went back to the basics this week and renewed the reason why I pick Jesus daily to be my savior. John 10:10 is my basis because I want to live life to the fullest and through Jesus I have the freedom. 2- I'm not the only Christian at Signal Mountain Lodge. I was talking with a girl about our tattoos and after reading the chapters she had on her body (Psalms 55-57) I realized that I have been selfish in my view of the people here and in my prayers. I need to be more encouraging in my prayers and everyday life. It's been a great week. Katelyn (my roommate) and I planned a fourth of July shin-dig and 13 people from Signal came and hung out with us!!! It was awesome to see the plans come together so smoothly. I knew God was in it all and that gave me peace. I stress out a lot when I'm in charge of things and so to have such an awesome evening of fondue, fireworks, friends, and a bluegrass concert at the Teton Village made my ridiculous stressing out meaningless because God was in it all. Sunday came another amazing day of services and this week the people that came were so grateful for our being there. A lot of them said that they didn't want to be inside and still wanted to worship and that they enjoyed the opportunity to be with us. The gratefulness really made this ministry worth it. I'm still not giving all that I can to ACMNP and I struggle with it because it's such a tough commitment to keep when there are so many other things to do as well. Pray that I will be able to sort out my priorities so that they glorify God more than they gratify my selfishness. This week the owner of Signal Mountain is here visiting, this should be interesting!!! Katelyn and I got to clean the VIP for him...well the stove top burners anyway... :) here's to another amazing week...no matter where we're at!!! PICTURED: fireworks at the Teton Village outside of the Alpenhof. This place had Christmas lights everywhere as well...it kinda reminded me of Santa's Village!!!