30 December 2011

And surely you’ll buy your pint cup and surely I’ll buy mine!

     As I was thinking about the New Year and reflecting on my upcoming birthday, the song “Auld Lange Syne” came to mind.

           Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?

     I realized that I take my relationships and memories for granted. I’ve grown through every interaction and would not be the woman I am today without them.

     Sure, memories are a mixed blessing. They can bring up joy and remind us of the love God has for us. Memories can also bring up past hurts and make us relive anger and bitterness.

     While in the education program in college, a huge part of the learning was reflection. Reflect on how your instruction is going, reflect on how your students are learning, reflect on what works and what doesn’t. I have stopped reflecting on my life and on my spiritual journey. I have become complacent in where I am and I don’t look for new ways to grow and for new ways to strengthen and encourage the relationships God has given me.

     For this first month of this New Year I have decided to relive the “old times” with some pictures I have found, developed ones not digital, and just reflect on what I’ve learned and how I grew with each memory and old acquaintance, this year they won’t be forgotten.